South Shelby FFA

Garrett Blaise- 1st place Ag Mechanics Repair and Maintenance Placement- to state Garrett Chinn- 1st place Forage Production Placement- to state 
Colton Devore- 1st place Wildlife Management Entrepreneurship- to state & 1st place Equine Science Placement (have to hold until next year- only 1 winning category per kid for state) 
Emma Dovin- 1st place Environmental Science & Natural Resource Management Placement- to state 
Millie Gough- 1st Place Food Service Placement- to state 
Remington Maubach- 1st place Diversified Crop Production Placement- to state 
Lancing Moore- 1st place Agriscience Research Plant Systems- to state 

Millie Gough- 2nd place Specialty Crop Production Entrepreneurship 
Hannah Ratliff- 2nd place Sheep Production Entrepreneurship 
Dylan Durbin- 3rd place Ag Mechanics Design & Fabrication Placement 
Marisa Rubison- 3rd place Fiber and Oil Crop Production Entrepreneurship